That Beautiful Addiction


It’s addictive I swear. I’m addicted to the high of life. The beautiful moments that exist daily. Once you start appreciating, you can’t stop. You can start with being grateful by saying thank you for the obvious. Thank you for my family, thank you for my house, thank you for my job.

But what about going further? Thank you for the daily blessing of life. Thank you that I’m surrounded by my creation, my manifestation. Thank you that I’ve been given this enormous chance to paint my life. Thank you for allowing me to be part of this unknown force that is the universe.

This act of gratefulness is healing and life changing. While I’m practicing gratitude I am truly free. I’m free because I’m not depending on anything. And freedom can’t be dependant, or it isn’t freedom.

I take a moment to remember that we are energy, interacting with energy. That love, anger and sadness are just emotions caused by environmental conditioning.

I’ve changed from focusing on the ‘don’t haves’ to focusing on the ‘haves’. Fostering the ability to be grateful for tiny pleasures I used to so often bypass as rights.

Thank you for the food I can eat, thank you for the roof over my head, thank you for the peace in my life.

And who am I even thanking? My partner for shopping for the food? Who am I kidding? I’m obviously single and thanking myself for shopping is weird and shallow.

The shop for stocking it? Really? That capitalist enterprise?

The farmer for growing it? Closer… The earth for birthing it? Even closer…

I am thanking the universe. I am thanking the universe for making each of these happiness’s reality.

Being grateful becomes an act of being present. Being focussed on what you have in this moment. Not what you wish you had. Bringing yourself to your right now happiness, not depending your happiness on a future want. This is it. This is your moment to be happy. Why wouldn’t you take it?

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